Although we’re not always aware of the fact, we are constantly communicating with others
It’s also the case that in most instances, our communication doesn’t have the positive effect that we might like it to. It is possible however, to use our language, both verbal and non-verbal, in ways that skilfully and even elegantly, can support others experience a sense of greater agency in their lives. In order to do so requires that we develop a specific and clear intent to accompany the integrity behind our communication
Integrity and intent, coupled with the capacity to use language to establish a connection with another person, is the foundation upon which effective communication is built. This doesn’t necessarily mean some profound, long term, close personal relationship, more a shared sense that you are listening, and genuinely seeking to understand the needs and experience of the other person. Recognising and responding to the fact that people experience the world differently, some will be more extrovert for example, while others will be more introvert, and tailoring our communication accordingly, will then enable us to be more effective.
Recognising the importance and the power of genuinely listening to someone else is yet another key, and interlinked element in communicating to positive effect. Enabling someone to know that their experience is valid, and that they have been heard, is a powerful tool for helping them to move forwards. Knowing not only how to listen effectively, but also how to use non-verbal techniques to accompany skilful use of our voice, will further enhance our capacity to contribute to the success and wellbeing of others.
While our focus is most often on how we can more effectively communicate with others in ways that support their growth and development, their success and wellbeing, it’s also important to consider how we communicate with ourselves. For many people, the internal dialogue that accompanies them at various points in the day, and even at night, can often be negative and critical, to the extent that it limits growth and damages wellbeing. While there may be an evolutionary explanation for why we are more empathetic to others than to ourselves, there are techniques that can allow us to communicate with ourselves in ways that are more supportive of our success and wellbeing.
Who is the course for?
- Leaders and managers
- Teachers
- Learning support assistants
- Parents and carers
- Anyone interested in better understanding how to more effectively empower others and themselves
What will you cover?
- Effective Communication – Whether we mean to or not, we can’t not influence. We’ll look at the importance of intention, how we can build a connection with someone, and how the brain weighs risk and reward in determining our actions
- Everyone’s Different – We’ll examine some of the ways in which people experience the world in different ways, and how we can reflect this to positive effect in the way we communicate
- Effective Listening – Ensuring our communication achieves what we intend it to, the recipient needs to know that they are being listened to and understood. We’ll look at practical ways of communicating that go beyond the words we use
- Time and Space – When people have a problem or a challenge, they can often feel stuck. We’ll explore how, by experiencing the situation from different temporal and spatial perspectives can lead to new and empowering insights
- Communicating with Ourselves – While we can often be supportive and understanding of others, many of us communicate with ourselves in ways that can be unhelpful at best. We’ll consider why this might be, and look at practical techniques for communicating with ourselves in more constructive ways